Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let It Rock

This video illustrates the ways someone can become a "rockstar". After all the movies, songs, etc. glorifying the lives of popular stars, others feel they should have the right to be "happy" and to have "fun" just like they do. Once the advertising industry realized this desire of the masses, they embraced it. Products such as Rockstar Energy Drinks and Let It Rock Perfume are just a couple ways marketers decided they would quench the average Joe’s thirst to feel like a rockstar. While we typically associate sex and drugs with rock and roll, we should not be so quick to judge; if clothing, scents, music and drink choice boost the confidence of people we should respect this and not reprimand others for their choice of lifestyle if it is not self-destructive. Ultimately, living like a rockstar may not be such a bad idea...


Anonymous said...

haha school house rock, i never really thought about that...subliminal messages to kids!

APLITghosts said...

i wonder when people will tire of trying to look like rock stars. people look more like rock stars, and real rock stars are starting to look more like real people - elmeer