Sunday, May 3, 2009

Every Game Needs a Hero

This Gatorade commercial was promulgated about a year ago. It is part of a consecution of Gatorade commercials called the "League of Clutch". This one imparticular features the meridian of several sporting events including tennis, basketball, baseball and football games. Images include still photos in mostly black and white and a couple scences with live action. Special effects make the series of still photos seems to be in motion as well.
The sender of this message is Gatorade and they use the appeal of ethos through their chosen cast of Maria Sharapova, Derek Jeter, Peyton Manning and Dwayne Wade. Although no one speaks in this commercial, the audience whom Gatorade is trying to appeal to greatly respects the people represented.
Gatorade is trying to dispose the conviction in their audience that if they drink Gatorade, they can become clutch players like Dwayne Wade and the others emblematized. A "clutch player" is one who constanly preponderates at the right times, such as under the pressure of important games.
The images and song presented in the commercial make strong use of pathos. The images remind the sports fan of critical plays and sublime wins. The song,"Oh Fortuna", is a classic which reflects the solicitous emotions one feels at clutch points while watching or participating in a game.
The only language in the commercial is visible text which comes up in segments reading:
"When all seems lost
With the whole world watching
Who will come through
When it matters most
Every game needs a hero"
This appeals to the athletic crowd, every athlete foretastes their shining moment; a moment where everyone credits them with a profound contribution to the big win. When the audience sees that star athletes drink Gatorade, they logically associate winning performance with drinking Gatroade; therefore making for a notably effective commercial.

promulgate- To make known.
meridian- Summit, Climax.
consecution- Sequence.
dispose- To give a tendency or inclination to.
conviction- Idea, Belief.
emblematize- Represent, Stand for.
preponderate- to be superior in power, force, influence, amount, etc.
sublime- Magnificent.
solicitous- Anxious, nervous, eager.
foretaste- To anticipate.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

well done. go into a bit more depth as to how the whole thing works, but you do have the big picture here. nice words.